WearAble Wardrobes with Dr Gina KINGSTON

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How to Get Dressed Twisted

It is surprising how many people in the world don’t have a “normal” body.

There are a bunch of people, like me, with twisted bodies due to scoliosis.

For many of us, this leaves us with asymmetrical bodies. Hips and shoulders that are uneven, heads or bodies that lean to one side - I look like I am cocking my head to one side in thought if I don’t think about it, and ribcages that slope differently on each side.

While this article is written for people with scoliosis, the tips below will work for people those with asymmetrical bodies due to other injuries such as strokes or broken noses.

Scoliosis Diagnosis

My Twisted Body

I was diagnosed with scoliosis at about age 16. It wasn’t bad and growth plates were small so it looked like I wasn’t going to grow any more and it wouldn’t get much worse. No brace, no exercises. Fast forward 2 years, and I was still growing and the curve was worse. I got sent to see a surgeon. I was fortunate, I didn’t require surgery. The only issue I really had was that when I put on weight, my back started to hurt.

Fast forward to last year. I was sick and couldn’t exercise for over 3 months. I was sticking my hip out and my shoulders were visibly uneven in photographs. Fortunately with my style training, I knew what to do to look good until the results of a new exercise regime kicked in.

Style Swaps for Twisted Bodies

Here are three simple swaps that you can do to reduce the appearance of asymmetry and look good twisted.

More Ideas on How to Look Good Twisted

For more ideas on how to look good twisted, check out:

Top 5 Style Tips for Asymmetrical Bodies

The ideas in the blog and the booklet above are general tips that will work for anyone.

If you have particular concerns, drop me a line or leave a comment below.