Effortless Christmas Style with Simple Christmas Outfits

By the time you read this, there will be less than four weeks left until Christmas.  

Christmas can be a great time of joy, but it can also be stressful.  Christmas decorations, Christmas events, and shopping for gifts on top of everything you are already doing can really feel like a lot, particularly if you are caring for someone, have a disability or are living with a chronic illness.

I know that whenever I visited Mum and Dad for Christmas, my first job was always to put up the Christmas decorations and my last job was to take them down.  Mum couldn’t do it and it was one less thing that Dad had to think about. 

Dressing for Christmas events or Christmas Day shouldn’t be one more thing to add to the list of jobs to do for Christmas.  

With that in mind here are some ideas for simple Christmas outfits for effortless Christmas style to help you get in the get in the Christmas spirit with minimal effort. 

Pick one or two ideas to implement  depending on your mood.

Ideas for Christmas Outfits

  1. Grab a top (or a dress) in a Christmas colour.

    Red, silver and gold are all good Christmas colours.  I like to make my tops or dresses interesting so I don't need to add think about to wear with them.
    Choose dresses that can be worn with flats or runners and tops that can be worn with jeans or smart pants and you have most occasions covered.

    Grab 2 identical tops for you and/or the person you are caring for if food spills or accidents are likely so that your change isn't noticeable and you can stay in the Christmas frame of mind.

  2. Grab a print top with a Christmas theme.

    Stars and Gifts themes are versatile and can be worn year round.  Angels, Christmas trees and Santa hats are less versatile but have more of Christmas vibe.  Snowmen are another option for some Christmas style.

  3. Don some Christmas themed earrings. 

    If you wear earrings, switching out your regular pair for a Christmas themed pair is any easy, no stress stylish option.

  4. Grab a Christmas themed bag.  

    If you have a bag of things that you need to take with you on every outing - we always had one with medicine and a change of clothes - switch it for a Christmas themed one. 
    The great thing about this option is that you have Insta Christmas style without having to think about what to wear each day.

  5. Grab a top, a skirt or a bag that sparkles.  
    Sparkles don’t necessarily say Christmas, but they do say special occasion. 

    A few sparkles up top and no-body notices what you are wearing below. 

    This is a great option for more formal or evening events when your t-shirt and jeans feel too relaxed and informal. 

If you would like some more inspiration come and join me in in my private Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ginakingstonstylelounge - it’s free to join and this month’s challenge is all about wearing Christmas colours.


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